Wednesday 2 July 2003

what's up with my and psycho roommates (well, technically we don't live in the same room, but share the bathroom)?!?!?!?! First, there's that grumpy Croatian girl who slips me threatening notes from under the door coz she's too afraid to even talk to me in the face....then there were the two men who tried to break into my room through the bathroom door...and now I have Grandma, and she seriously just incites homicidal tendencies in me. this is ridiculous! Beginning to think that the dean hates me and that's why she puts psychotic people in the room next to mine.

Grandma has been locking me out of the bathroom ever since she arrived coz she forgets to unlock the door whenever she finishes her, ahem, business. But it's not as if I can't unlock the door from my side. It's highly inconvenient, but it could be done. I forget to do it once, and Grandma WAITS UP for me till 2 in the morning, and tells me off. I tell her she does the same to me as well and she denies everything. I try to show her that she can unlock the door from her side and she tells me never to lock the door when I use the bathroom. I figured, she's 72, I'll respect her wishes and so we left it at that.

The next day, Nat happened to be in my room and wanted to take a shower. She locks the door, and Grandma actually UNLOCKED the door to tell her off. I mean honestly!?!? Nat was half-naked for goodness sake! Nat told her that she's locked my side of the door all the time and Grandma denies everything and decides to take the offensive by asking, "What are you doing here anyway? Do you live here?"

And then I find out from my friend, the assistant dean, that Grandma had complained to the dean that I had locked her out of the bathroom and has demanded to be moved. I wish she could. Problem is, all the rooms are full and she's got nowhere to go.

This morning, the dean comes up to me and tells me not to take showers after midnight because Grandma has complained AGAIN. That I wake her up whenever I shower and she can't get back to bed. What about the fact that she goes to the bathroom at unearthly hours and wakes me up? And the very fact that Grandma doesn't sleep that early anyway!?!?!

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