Wednesday 27 June 2007

How odd to be watching the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and realising that there is a pirate lord in Singapore.

Even funnier to see him being played by a Hong Kong actor famous for cool action movies when I was growing up.

Yes, I know that the movie is merely a figment of one's imagination, but it was still pretty surreal to see Hollywood's depiction of Singapore, albeit who knows how long ago.

A few things I learnt about Singapore from Pirates:
  1. Singapore looks like the Asian version of Venice.
  2. The pirate lord of Singapore speaks English in a distinctive Hong Kong accent.
  3. Singapore's actually such an important city it warrants its own pirate lord, as does Tokyo, Paris and what looks like Saudi Arabia or something like that.
  4. Singaporeans then wore corsets (ok, that was learnt from Pirates 1)
Seriously though, third time around and Pirates still hasn't failed to entertain. How could it? It had Johnny Depp!

1 comment:

The Misery Chick said...

I thot it sucked. The best Pirates, to me, is the 1st (Curse of the Black Pearl). The 2nd 1 was so-so and the 3rd REALLY bored me.

I was struggling to stay awake and got really annoyed bec it was a bore. I thot Johnny, Bill and Greg were fantastic (and Keith Richards) but still, the movie ... failed to live up to the hype. But that's just me. :)

And yes, Singapore's coastline does not look like that!!!!

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