Thursday 5 January 2012


Is there nothing to look forward to in life besides having a baby, once you've reached a certain age?

For the last month or so, I've been counting down the weeks on Facebook to a much anticipated trip coming up in February.

Every week without fail, I would have a different friend assume my "xx weeks" status update has something to do with me being pregnant.

Can't a girl look forward to . . . oh, a new car, a trip to the hairdressers, a holiday, the arrival of new shoes, a visit from a friend or simply practice her ability to count, without being mistaken for being pregnant?

It's funny how life seems to be marked by certain events that "matter" - graduation, finding a partner/spouse, babies, death (ok, I don't think too many people look forward to death . . . ) - and everything else just falls by the wayside. We live our lives hoping to achieve these milestones and fail to recognise or anticipate other events that excite us or bring us joy.

Having a baby is a wonderful thing, but perhaps it may not be the only thing we ought to look forward to with eagerness. We need to live our lives with more fun. Let us enjoy the little things, even if they may not be considered a milestone by society's standards.

Image: digitalart /


Maya said...


And I agree. Sometimes we are too obsessed with certain prescribed milestones that we lose sight of other events that make us deliriously happy. :)

"We need to live our lives with more fun. Let us enjoy the little things, even if they may not be considered a milestone by society's standards. "

Put this on FB and I will LIKE it. ;)

All the best in Canada, love!

Melody said...

Thanks Maya :) And yeah, too often, we allow society to determine when we should be happy, when really, all we need to do is *be* happy!

Your wish is my command. You better like it!

Swan said...

Lovely post!

Me finding a curry plant in Sydney was a milestone .. and it's not baby related ;-))) hehehe

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