Wednesday 22 March 2006

Update: The Japanese have a bigger problem - they can't translate the ad.

Usually, when you think ads inviting people to visit a certain country, you think slow heartwarming music, beautiful scenary, enticing activities. Not a tagline that loudly asks, "So where the bloody hell are you?"

I couldn't help but watch incredulously when I first realised that the new Tourism Australia ad would be your face, to put it politely.

The creators behind the ad are the same people who brought the world the award-winning 100% Pure New Zealand campaign (now those were really well done). What were they thinking with this one?

No wonder it got banned in the UK where the word is seen as a much worse swear word than it is in Australia.

And apparently it's now banned in Canada too (although for a different reason).

The hilarity of the situation makes me laugh every time, but I guess sometimes the myth "any PR is good PR" does work sometimes. The publicity that's been generated over the ad is probably more than anybody could ever dream of.

Maybe the ad guys were thinking with this one...

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Brandon said...

Very interesting - are there any reports on the success of the campaign in other countries (particularly Europe/U.S.)?

I can imagine it going over quite well with young adults...

Melody said...

unfortunately, no reports on success, only on where it's being banned!

But yeah, I know what you mean about it going over well with young adults...

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