Sunday, 10 July 2005

watched an encore telecast of the live8 concert (have you signed the petition yet?) last night and it got me thinking. No, not the part where Robbie Williams absolutely endeared to me.

It just seemed like a rather odd juxtaposition...

Here are celebrities and other folks trying to make their cause of making poverty history known to the politicians. And their means include throwing huge concerts simultaneously in several main cities to get the attention needed.

We know their cause. We agree with their cause. And we support their cause.

What about the al-Qaeda folks?

Now, I'm not in any way condoning what they have done. I absolutely abhor their activities and definitely do not support their killing of innocents.

But yet, in a way, it seems like they are no different from the live8 celebrities.

They have a cause, and all they're looking for is trying to make it known. In an age where the media is dominated by the activites of the Western world, how else are they going to get the attention they need?

I think about the times when I read about suicide bombings or terrorist attacks happening in the Middle East. The newspaper report usually only consists of a few paragraphs, tucked away in a corner easily missed by the busy reader.

Is it because it happens so often that even the fact that people die from these attacks no longer warrents it as news? Or is it simply because it isn't relevant to the Western world?

Their means are wrong, oh so wrong, but yet, it is a means, just like the live8 concerts, to get attention and to get what they want..

But the thing is, will anyone ever listen to them? Will anyone try to understand and find out about their cause?

I doubt not. Not because what they have done is downright evil and unfair. But they simply won't get listened to because they just don't happen to be from modern Western society.

The world needs a bad guy. And they have conveniently fit into the mould.

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